Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Photographer's Lie

Have you ever been to a wedding or Bar Mitzvah where the photographer would unabashedly say to your face again and again by saying, "One more." over and over and over again?

Well, that's basically what we did to these three friends, Boruch Shneur, Zalmy and Mendele, when we got them together...

So for your viewing pleasure here are the three best friends of the age (their own age that is).

Happy Chanukah!

The Friendship Circle

This evening, the third night of Chanukah, we all went together to a Chanukah party at the Jewish Children's Museum in Brooklyn which was hosted by the Freindship Circle of NYC. There we had some great fun as the special kids danced and sang with Lipa Schmeltzer and his friends from Monroe. They were quite amazing. Mendele actually got really into the music.

Mendele also got to touch an ice menorah! Ooooh, Cold!
We constructed some Lego...
...we dismantled a Lego tower...
...we bounced on a moon bounce...
...and bounced again...
...and again!
In short we had a fine, fun time.
We can't wait for more Friendship Circle events!

Monday, November 26, 2007


Hi everybody who has waited so long,
While you weren't watching Mendele has been diagnosed with strabismus which means crossed eyes. The doctors initially said he should wear glasses but we asked around and it was agreed that Mendelel will get some therapy that should help his eyes straighten out. But we did get him a pair, y'know, just to have. He looks so sharp!!
He's learnt to wear them only for reading, otherwise he takes them off.
In other news, Mendele is still scooting, turning and twisting around to get what he's looking for. He's also getting a pretty good dosage therapy as you will learn in a later post Iy"H.
At this time i would like to thank Mendele's grandparents, aunts, uncles...
..and of course his cousins!
Say cheese!
See ya later.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Just to warm your heart.

Hi there friends,
This post has only one purpose. There will be no information here just beautiful pictures to warm your heart.

Oh, also some pictures to tickle your funny bone.

For those of you who are cringing at the sight of Mendele gloriously bedecked in his own rice and yam puree, don't worry because Mendele was dumped straight into a bath immediately following this photo was taken.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Mendele is guarding his tongue

Hello everybody,
Sorry for the long break. We were in MN for the Yom Tov of Sukkos and Simchas Torah. Mendele met many new cousins there...
and just before we left we got to see Mendele's Bubby. We were quite happy about that, you see.
Back in NY Mendele is learning to hold himself up.
Also, B"H, Mendele had a great streak of days when he had great control of his jaw and tongue.
oops. this one fell in here by accident so I'll leave it.
The tounge is in!
The mouth is closed!
Even while he's laughing!!
(By the way he's adorable when he laughs, ka"h)
And here's one last picture that has nowhere to go.
Till next time.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Have you noticed...

my double chin?
I'm so proud of it.
I now weigh 16 lb!!
Playing with my tongue is fun.
It gives me the giggles.
So long!

Monday, October 1, 2007

I'm ready to dance

Here is my Torah.
I study it daily.
Hmm... sometimes I don't understand. But you can't go wrong with Torah!
So I hope you will join me and dance with your Torahs too on Simchas Torah.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Hello Everybody!

Hello, I'm having a great time with all the new tricks I've learned how to do! Pulling on my Shir Hamaalos card that is clipped onto my stroller is a my favorite. (My parents like it, because I am reaching against gravity.)

Thank You Tante Yocheved for the rocking chair. I thought I'd give it a try now that I can sit.

Uhh... this is scary!
Not too bad, I guess.
I also started playing with the next stage toys.
I popped this one all by myself!I'm just having so much fun!
My mommy decided to invite other children to play with me, a bit more social interaction can't hurt ;)

I am learning how to share with my friend Mindy.
Hope you have a Happy Succos holiday!