Monday, February 19, 2007



are proud to present to you, Mendele Friedman...

a favorite among the cousinesses

who "sleeps and lets sleep" ka"h....

and who otherwise is a delightfull child, boruch Hashem!


Eli said...
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Shmuli said...


Unknown said...

You all are great!

Anonymous said...

Your Mendele is a cutie. He should continue to smile and put smiles on everyones faces always. May he always be a source of much Nachas to you. I know you guys deserve it.
Love always,
A secret admirer

Anonymous said...

Mendelel, you have the most amazing, inspiring parents in the world. I am so happy to be able to watch you grow. May your smile always radiate such joy and you bring lots of nachas to your parents...

FG said...

Mendele is adorable. I always love seeing him around. His parents are doing an amazing job and spreading inspiration to us all!