Mendele has not been getting quite as much stimulation as the pros
would like him to. This is partially due to the fact that his parents aren't getting as much sleep as they would like to. However,
Mendele is
ka"h a strong and energetic
boychik. Take a look at what is happening in the pictures:
Mendele's mommy placed him on a blanket on the floor and Mendele propelled himself off! Well almost off. But I am sure he would have made it all the way off if he hadn't fallen asleep.

But even in his sleep - a deep fast sleep - Mendele still has a pretty good grip on stuff.

So, enjoy the pictures and know that whenever you come visiting you'll get a chance to help
Mendele learn to do whatever he's supposed to be doing.
Well Shmuli and Rivky! we are waiting on Shpilkess!!
I'm loving the pictures! Rivky, you guys are doing an amazing job. I look forward to reading the blog every day or so, it makes me smile.
Yes, Muskie, so are we. But unfortunately Shmuli and Rivky already turned down our invite for pesach :( We weren't fast enough... I thought we were the first... I guess it's not quite the case when you have a family(s) of 24 brothers and sisters in law!! Oh well. Maybe we can do an early booking for sukkos :) I'm totally serious!
Thanks everybody. More happy news is on the way! So stay tuned.
Thanks fo sharing! I love it!
Mendele is soooooo cute!
You are welcome in warm miami any time... (we have summer clothe for him...)
All the best,
Shmuli and Rivky,
Terrific site. We visit daily at least! The pictures are precious - and Shmuli - keep writing!
See you and our Mendele in Pittsburgh Pesach, IY"H.(?!)
Chayim and Chana
shmuli - it seems that with all the stimulation...mendele may be ahead of the game for young 'uns his age in grasping, scooting etc. Puts us to shame..if we would only do these things with our kids...(well maybe we did with the first... ;)
Yes Iv'e been told more than once that I'm making myself crazy for no reason. But the worst thing that could come of all of these games is that he'll be the smartest kid on the block!
Don't let anyone convince you that you're making yourself nuts. I totally agree that the more you put in the more you'll get. And like Dinie said - this is true with any baby. Your Mendel sounds like he's passing these milestones quicker than my Musya (now 3 1/2 months!) And I should probably be embarrassed to say this, but I see that when I spend more time helping her out, she progresses faster! My point... the more you can do the better - could never hurt! So don't let pple convince you that it's a waste of time :)
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