Reading a book
Mendele is kissing the Torah. (The camera was too slow to catch the actual kiss)
Happy Shabbos and Shavuos.
Menachem Mendel Hakohen Friedman, born on Chof Zayin Teves 5767 is a healthy baby who is loved by his parents, family and friends. Mendele was blessed with a mild case of Down Syndrome. In this blog you will find updates on Mendele's progress as well as general information about Down Syndrome.
If this is your first time here, please click here to start from the beginning. Questions and comments are welcomed.
Shmulie your kid is adorable.
Did you get proffesional pics yet? my wall of fame need a picture of Mendele!
it is beautiful to come here from time to time, to fall in love with gorgeous mendele (again..),and to enjoy his parents enthusiasm and talents !! "if you treat an individual as he is, he will stay as he is, but if you treat him as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought to be and could be."(v.g.) chazak! mechail el chail! chani, miami.
Thank you Chanie. The same to you.
GORGEOUS PICTURES!! Wow, this batch beat them all I think. He looks SO happy in all these pics, it's so much fun to see.
Thanks for all those videos, they are really the best, I love how he tried to wake up his friend the other day :)
Keep these coming, I hope we'll get another pre-shavuos surprise!
beautiful! Thanks for the new post! A gut yom tov to you mendele!
hey, we're checkin every day and nutins cumin!
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