Mendele's new OT (occupational therapist or fine motor skills) therapist is Juliet. She has, so far, been amazing. Mendele took to her very well, and we've learned many new exercises to work on with him.
Just some cute faces.
No offense.
Menachem Mendel Hakohen Friedman, born on Chof Zayin Teves 5767 is a healthy baby who is loved by his parents, family and friends. Mendele was blessed with a mild case of Down Syndrome. In this blog you will find updates on Mendele's progress as well as general information about Down Syndrome.
If this is your first time here, please click here to start from the beginning. Questions and comments are welcomed.
No offense.
LOL!!!!! Woah mendele, you're getting tough - we won't start with you!
soooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!
were still waiting 4 a visit!!
menedele youre3 just the cutest!
This baby is seriously precious and delicious. I'm dying to meet him in person. What a lucky boy to have such amazing parents, and what lucky parents to have such a sweet child. I visit quite often, and look forward to all the pictures. Thanks for sharing them.
im sort of wondering who Anonymous is
Very cute, amzaing and gorgeous.
May you always have Nachas from him!
I can see he likes attention, and playing ;)
hey mendele! u got the most amazing OT. juliet is awesome. enjoy the ball she gave u, it sure comes in good use.
hey-dont ask how i got here:), thru the grapevine...
just wanted to let you guys know that he is adorable ka"h tfoo, tfoo, tfoo
my daughter Chayale also has Juliette as her OT (since she was a couple months old and now she's aging out) and she "had" Leslie...
I have to say from the pictures it appears that Mendele is performing well beyond the expected and it is probably due in part to all the effort that his parents are putting guys are making me feel guilty that I'm not doing enough; it's evident that the amount that you work is proportionate to the rewards...and it always helps when the kid is so cute ka"h...
well, anyway, even though Chayale is a couple of years older, she might still enjoy a playdate:)
thanks for the relevant links!
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