Here, have a look-see at some photos:
Mendele surprised us and rolled from his back to his stomach!!! In speech Mendele is playing the drums - to learn that his actions have cause an effect.
... and rolling over.He is learning to catch himself when he falls (see that right hand supporting his weight.)
He has begun to hold his own food and bottles!
And he's still as cute as ever- kein ayin horo!!
Till next time...
Love Mendele.
I'm not a commenter so it's hard to see my footprints but I'm here almost every day - waiting for more! Keep it up Mendele!
From chicago
You guys are...something else. These posts are literally "motivational seminars!"
all i can say is.. wow!!!!
its so inspiring & exciting to see his progress
Did you notice that Our Mendele has been visited over 10,000 times?
I just thought I'd point that out and thank you all for that.
Wow such gorgeous pics of such a yummy baby KA"H.
Rivky - i said that i never post comments on blogs but Mendele is KA"H just way to cute to resist.
Hey mendele - did you know that you have fans all the way in Manchester, England (actually, its not that far off the map!)
Thanks for the comments. We like those too!
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