Mendele is a big brother!!!!
His Mommy had a baby girl B"H!

Menachem Mendel Hakohen Friedman, born on Chof Zayin Teves 5767 is a healthy baby who is loved by his parents, family and friends. Mendele was blessed with a mild case of Down Syndrome. In this blog you will find updates on Mendele's progress as well as general information about Down Syndrome.
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Wow! That's such a sweet surprise! Mazal tov, mazal tov to the Friedman family! :)
Mazal Tov and lots of nachas from both of them.
Mazel tov shmuli and rivky and mendele - only freiliche yiddishe chasidishe nachas from your maidele.
Mazal Tov! Mazal Tov!
Mendele will be the BEST big brother EVER, and he will show his little sister the tricks of the trade... how to manipulate Mommy and Tatty and everyone else around.... how to roll over, crawl, walk, talk, jump etc... and all of the Alep Beis and Pesukim!!
May Hashem continue to bless you with revealed brochos and good health.
Mazel Tov Mazel Tov Rivky and fam how exciting!!
much nachas and happiness from them both
Mazal Tov Friedmans!!
Mazal Tov, Mazal Tov.
Mendele is B"AH such a cutie!!!! May you have tons of nachas from both your children.
yay yay yay yay yay!!!! mazel tov to mendele and mommy and tatty. loads of nachas and bracha!!
oh, she is so pretty! What is her name? She will need a hairdresser soon:)
Congratulations for all four of you!
Mazal tov shmuly this is a great news for sarah and i wish you a lot of nachas mitoch osher vechavod oumitoch brious nechona from you chavrosa you ever head at least 5 year
Mazal tov shmuly this is a great news for sarah and i wish you a lot of nachas mitoch osher vechavod oumitoch brious nechona from you chavrosa you ever head at least 5 year
MAZEL TOV Rivky!!!! This is so exiciting.
MAZEL TOV Rivky!!!! This is so exiciting.
Mazal Tov, Shmully, Rivkie and Mendele!!! such beautiful news!!! Loads of nachas from your yummies!!!
Mazel Tov!! Lots of yiddishe chassidishe nachas from both beautiful kinderlach! Mendele looks like he will be the best big brother! That video of him saying the pesukim...WOW!
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