Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Photographer's Lie

Have you ever been to a wedding or Bar Mitzvah where the photographer would unabashedly say to your face again and again by saying, "One more." over and over and over again?

Well, that's basically what we did to these three friends, Boruch Shneur, Zalmy and Mendele, when we got them together...

So for your viewing pleasure here are the three best friends of the age (their own age that is).

Happy Chanukah!

The Friendship Circle

This evening, the third night of Chanukah, we all went together to a Chanukah party at the Jewish Children's Museum in Brooklyn which was hosted by the Freindship Circle of NYC. There we had some great fun as the special kids danced and sang with Lipa Schmeltzer and his friends from Monroe. They were quite amazing. Mendele actually got really into the music.

Mendele also got to touch an ice menorah! Ooooh, Cold!
We constructed some Lego...
...we dismantled a Lego tower...
...we bounced on a moon bounce...
...and bounced again...
...and again!
In short we had a fine, fun time.
We can't wait for more Friendship Circle events!