Besides meeting my cousins here is some of the stuff I did.
I had storytime with Dad.
Menachem Mendel Hakohen Friedman, born on Chof Zayin Teves 5767 is a healthy baby who is loved by his parents, family and friends. Mendele was blessed with a mild case of Down Syndrome. In this blog you will find updates on Mendele's progress as well as general information about Down Syndrome.
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I was so excited to play with him but we said hello and he promptly fell asleep!
I tried very hard to wake him up, but no such luck.
So I entertained myself instead
and waited patiently for Zalman to finish his nap.
When he finally did wake up I shared my toys with him and we had a great time.
On Lag Baomer we went to visit my cousin in DC. I liked the colorful ring that she has so much she let me keep it!
I also got to meet my twin... ooh... cousins... ehh... they're bigger than me. I...ahh... hope that I never get... ooh... sandwhiched...oh... between them ah... ah... ah... again!
Morah Chanie gave me this slinky to play with.
She said it has a tripple affect: visual, audio and sensory (I'm not quite sure I understoond that, but it doesn't matter, I have a great time with Mr. Slinky.)
I wish I could give you a definite date for the next post, but save your countdown for Shavuos. Who knows, maybe I'll surprise you!