Monday, May 28, 2007

Shavuot in the West

Hi friends. I just spent a great Holiday at my Uncle and Aunt in California.
Besides meeting my cousins here is some of the stuff I did.

I had storytime with Dad.
I got to ride in the swing
I spent many an afternoon on a real bed (not a crib!)
I also just now figured out that I am able to get myself from a crouching position into a standing position and I am proud of that fact.
All in all, I had a great time and I hope you were too busy having great times to miss me too much.
Till next time- Always greet everyone with a smile!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Thanks Ms. Lesley

Since I have to post something before the holiday I'll just publih this draft- and it is only a draft.
Also since Mendele has decided that he won't work with Ms. Lesley no matter what, we want to show our appreciation to Ms. Lesley by showing you all just how great she really is:

This excersize allows Mendele to practice his balance and keep his arms straight, putting pressure on his palms. This builds upper body muscle.
Mendele's parents didn't do their homework one day and Ms. Leslie had to give Mendele a shoulder massage to loosen him up.
The yellow ball. Multipurpose: rolling, head control, side control, reaching, upper body muslce.
side-head control. the goal: Mendele should be lifting his head higher while leaning on his side.
So thanks Ms. Lesley.
And Gut Yom Tov everyone else!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Just being Mendele

Reading a book
Mendele is kissing the Torah. (The camera was too slow to catch the actual kiss)
Talking away!
Enjoying his cousins company
This little pushka has a smiley face that Mendele loves chat with.
Mendele's cousins playing with him afterschool. a great time would be an understatement.
Mendele now pulls himself up from the laying position to the sitting position.
A favorite photo.
Birds eye view.
Happy Shabbos and Shavuos.

Friday, May 11, 2007

My Newest Friends

Hi everybody,
I'm back and I'm here to introduce all the people I've been meeting while you weren't looking:
This is my friend Zalman (he, like me has an extra 21st so we're special like that).

I was so excited to play with him but we said hello and he promptly fell asleep!

I tried very hard to wake him up, but no such luck.

So I entertained myself instead

and waited patiently for Zalman to finish his nap.

When he finally did wake up I shared my toys with him and we had a great time.

On Lag Baomer we went to visit my cousin in DC. I liked the colorful ring that she has so much she let me keep it!

I also got to meet my twin... ooh... cousins... ehh... they're bigger than me. I...ahh... hope that I never get... ooh... sandwhiched...oh... between them ah... ah... ah... again!

Morah Chanie gave me this slinky to play with.

She said it has a tripple affect: visual, audio and sensory (I'm not quite sure I understoond that, but it doesn't matter, I have a great time with Mr. Slinky.)

I wish I could give you a definite date for the next post, but save your countdown for Shavuos. Who knows, maybe I'll surprise you!

Speech Therapy - in greater detail